Monday, October 8, 2007

Sun Outer Layer Rotation Correction?

I used this animation of how our Sun oscillates up and down in its equatorial rotation throughout the year. I think I am looking at it totally backwards…

This animation depicts our sun’s change in;

  • Bo - the heliographic latitude of the centre of the disk,

  • Lo - the heliographic longitude of the centre of the disk,

  • P - the position angle of the north end of the axis of rotation and the apparent diameter of the Sun.

What if the sun varies very little and it is just the angle we view the sun from that is changing?

What if the equator of the sun stays nearly aligned with some galactic constant whether it be magnetic, or mass related, while our view of the Sun varies from the degree of variation of earth’s orbit to that galactic constant?

I believe that our solar systems orbit is 63 degrees out of alignment with the galactic plane.

As the earth moved up and down it would appear the sun’s equator was moving, when in reality only the observers perspective was changing.

To compound it even further… I wonder if the Sun’s core rotation is aligned with a galactic constant, while it’s outer layer rotation is more affected by the planets, and what we see in outer layer rotation is simply the harmonic pattern between the alignment of the sun to the galactic constant versus planetary rotational tug on the outer layer.

This would mean that the pattern of planets orbiting our sun could cause interaction between the sun’s core and outer layer. These variations would cause solar cycles. And when a planetary alignment occurs it offers more or less correction bringing the sun’s core and outer layer into better or worse alignment.

Is this the reason for the Maunder Minimum? A planetary alignment that resulted in a rotational correction to the sun’s outer layer that was very good.

This would mean it is the width of the planetary alignment that defines potential adjustment, distance which defines the adjustment power, AND the degree of correction (or error) imparted to the sun’s outer layer bringing it into better alignment with the galactic constant?

If you are old enough to remember adjusting points in your car’s distributor it is very similar. The closer you aligned the points to that sweet spot the better the engine ran. It is all a matter of your hand imparting correction to the points. This correlates to the planets constantly adjusting the sun’s “points” in and out of that sweet spot, and some adjustments are better than others.

Since the planets are very cyclic these corrections can be plotted and solar activity predicted. We have noticed the pattern, but have not identified the cause.

Do I have a potential cause?