Sunday, September 30, 2007

Solar Rotation

During the last little ice age (Maunder Minimum) the sun was rotating at its equator faster than it is today. My theory; The faster the sun rotates the fewer sunspots it produces and sunspot production is key to planetary warming throughout the entire solar system. More sunspots warming, fewer sunspots cooling.The below scientific paper supports my solar chug theory;

Solar rotation during the Maunder Minimum
J. A. Eddy1, P. A. Gilman1 and D. E. Trotter1(1)
High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 80303 Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.Received: 8 December 1975 Abstract We have measured solar surface rotation from sunspot drawings made in a.d. 1642–1644 and find probable differences from present-day rates. The 17th century sunspots rotated faster near the equator by 3 or 4%, and the differential rotation between 0 and ±20° latitude was enhanced by about a factor 3. These differences are consistent features in both spots and groups of spots and in both northern and southern hemispheres. We presume that this apparent change in surface rotation was related to the ensuing dearth of solar activity (the Maunder Minimum) which persisted until about 1715.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

  • Earth’s climate change is tied to solar sunspots which produce radio waves which heat saltwater throughout the entire solar system (not just Earth).

  • The sun has cycle/s in which it produces more and fewer sunspots tied to its rotational speed.

  • Changes in the sun’s rotational speed at its equatorial region are a result of gravitational shear imparted by the planets aligning in specific ways and adding spin to the sun through gravitational shear.

  • There are well known tugs by the planets on the sun every 22 years resulting in the 11 year solar cycle

  • I propose there is a larger solar chug (big tug) every 3,993 years which results in a larger 1,997 year solar cycle.

On Earth itself the salinity cycle of the oceans have an effect on their ability to absorb solar radio waves and be heated which further interacts with solar radio wave output of the sun creating a ~1,500 year climatic cycle. Note how closely my 1,997 solar year cycle ties to Earths warming cycle.

The next cooling period will begin September 8th of 2040 when the next major planetary alignment will occur (planets align within 9 degrees) and give the sun a big tug “chug”, increasing its rotational speed by 3 or 4%.