Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rotation, Butterflies and the Sun

The majority of sunspots produced by our sun happen in a narrow band of latitude along its equator. When charted over time the sunspots depict a butterfly pattern.

Some scientists believe that the sun grew larger during the Maunder Minimum (Little Ice age of 1645) and a bigger sun gave off less heat. The correct observation is that during the Maunder Minimum the sun did grow slightly in size but gave off less radio wave energy.

If you look at my solar chug theory you will learn that every ~2,000 years the planets align within a tight number of degrees. This imparts a gravitational shear to the sun which makes it rotate faster. When it rotates faster centrifugal force makes the outer layers of the sun move away from the inner core. Since we know that sunspots and solar radio waves are produced by the inner core bumping into the outer layer this bumping becomes less frequent when the space between the inner core and outer layer is greater. An increase in rotational speed of 3-4% is all it needs for this to happen.

Keep in mind that centrifugal force will make celestial bodies swell at their equator. Just as the earth is oblate at the equator (though its true shape is not usually depicted) all celestial bodies that rotate are oblate, the sun is no exception.

The faster the sun rotates the more it swells or oblates at its equator.

Since the majority of sunspots are produced along a narrow band along the equator of the sun, when the sun spins faster the core and outer layers are separated more from the inner core by the expanding equatorial oblateness, and the sun appears to swell and and less sunspots are produced.

Over years the suns rotation slows once again and the inner core and outer layers come closer together, they bump more frequently, and more solar radio waves are produced in the butterfly pattern along its equator and a warming period begins.

This all fits possibly with my solar chug theory and periodic warming of the planets in our solar system due to saltwater absorbing radio wave energy.

The suns rotational speed is affected by periodic gravitational shear by planetary alignment imparting rotational energy to the sun.

Solar Rotation

During the last little ice age (Maunder Minimum) the sun was rotating at its equator faster than it is today. My theory; The faster the sun rotates the fewer sunspots it produces and sunspot production is key to planetary warming throughout the entire solar system. More sunspots warming, fewer sunspots cooling.The below scientific paper supports my solar chug theory;

Solar rotation during the Maunder Minimum
J. A. Eddy1, P. A. Gilman1 and D. E. Trotter1(1)
High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 80303 Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.Received: 8 December 1975 Abstract We have measured solar surface rotation from sunspot drawings made in a.d. 1642–1644 and find probable differences from present-day rates. The 17th century sunspots rotated faster near the equator by 3 or 4%, and the differential rotation between 0 and ±20° latitude was enhanced by about a factor 3. These differences are consistent features in both spots and groups of spots and in both northern and southern hemispheres. We presume that this apparent change in surface rotation was related to the ensuing dearth of solar activity (the Maunder Minimum) which persisted until about 1715.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

  • Earth’s climate change is tied to solar sunspots which produce radio waves which heat saltwater throughout the entire solar system (not just Earth).

  • The sun has cycle/s in which it produces more and fewer sunspots tied to its rotational speed.

  • Changes in the sun’s rotational speed at its equatorial region are a result of gravitational shear imparted by the planets aligning in specific ways and adding spin to the sun through gravitational shear.

  • There are well known tugs by the planets on the sun every 22 years resulting in the 11 year solar cycle

  • I propose there is a larger solar chug (big tug) every 3,993 years which results in a larger 1,997 year solar cycle.

On Earth itself the salinity cycle of the oceans have an effect on their ability to absorb solar radio waves and be heated which further interacts with solar radio wave output of the sun creating a ~1,500 year climatic cycle. Note how closely my 1,997 solar year cycle ties to Earths warming cycle.

The next cooling period will begin September 8th of 2040 when the next major planetary alignment will occur (planets align within 9 degrees) and give the sun a big tug “chug”, increasing its rotational speed by 3 or 4%.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Solar Chug Theory and Global Warming

I was looking into what I am calling my “solar chug” theory. It is the effect of planetary alignments giving the sun a good pull of gravitational sheer periodically.

I learned;

A page on the web site of the Griffith Observatory (in Los Angeles) notes, among other things, that a very close alignment of the naked-eye planets took place on February 27th, 1953 B.C., in which these five planets were together in a span of 4.3 degrees. No closer alignment has taken place since then. On September 8th of 2040, a fairly close alignment within a space of 9.3 degrees will be observed.

OK, so the sun gets a good yank every 3,993 years by the planets based on the above information from Griffith Observatory. Well the way I do math you would want to split that as to when you would have maximum “chug” and "diminishing chug”.

That would mean you have a “dimishing solar chug” cycle of ~1,997 years. The initial chug results in more solar stability and the increased stability means fewer sunspots. As the effects of the chug wear off you get increased sunspot activity. Think of a top or a gyroscope. When you first pull the string it spins nice and steady, as the rotation slows it begins to wobble a bit. The solar chug I describe stabilizes the sun in a similar fashion to a top which rotational speed could be added to.
The sun starts to wobble putting out more solar radio waves which warms planets with saltwater, then the sun gets a push of gravitational shear via the periodic planetary alignment and that smooths out the suns wobble and dimishes sunspot activity.

In 2040 the planets will align like this and add gravitational shear to the sun;

The ~1,997 years of the diminishing solar chug cycle is very close to the ~1,500 warming and cooling cycle of Earth's climate evidenced by ice cores from Greenland. These processes may be linked.

How do I account for the ~497 year variance in Earth’s climate change to my solar chug theory? I believe I heard a climate scientist from the University of Victoria BC once say… “When you put a pot of water on the stove it takes time to heat up, it does not instantly get hot.” It does not instantly cool either.

I am not sure about this being the solution to the variance in solar chug to Earth’s climatic cycle but it was the only thing the man from UVC said that made sense. He rejected all theories except human responsibility for Earth's climate warming..

We are approaching the next chug in 2040. Does the year ~2040 figure at all into the widely accepted global warming formulas?
Chug, chug. Countdown till next solar chug… 33 years… With luck we will be around to see the cooling cycle begin. (less sunspots, less solar radio waves, less radio wave heating of Earth’s oceans, cooling Earth.)

Most everything I look into supports my climate theory. (below)

Solar Radio Waves Affecting Entire Solar System?

I happened to read the article “Warming On Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Neptune's Moon & Earth Linked to Increased Solar Activity, Scientists Say “ and I would like to share how my theory on global warming relates to temperature increases on other planets..

Keep in mind it is simply a theory I have developed at this point and is simply part of the larger solar cycle.

Basically everything that the sun emits is the same. The only difference is the wavelength and frequency of the energy. Radio waves have the longest wavelength and gamma rays have the shortest.

Sun's Spectrum of Engergy

We now know thanks to John Kranius that lower frequency radio waves can heat salt water, but do not affect fresh water. We can only assume at this point that the degree of salinity of the water makes it a better target for radio waves to be absorbed and result in heating. The salinity of water affects it density, the greater the density the more radio waves will affect the water.

The saltier the water the more of the sun’s radio wave energy is absorbed, the less saline the water the poorer the energy absorption.

So those solar radio waves will travel along until they are absorbed. They will simply pass through objects that do not conduct or absorb them well. That is why you can listen to a radio inside a wooden house, but radio wave reception fails inside a metal building. The metal skin of the building conducts the radio waves away and absorbs them. This is similar to why a submarine cannot use its radio while submerged. The salt water absorbs the signal.

So we know that a fair chunk of radio energy is hitting the Earth’s oceans from the sun, and the salt water is absorbing the radio waves based on their salinity, and that a byproduct of that absorption is heat. Albeit it is not very much heat for the radio waves are so long (possibly miles in length), but the radio wave energy does not just disappear.

Climate scientists will tell you solar output is rather constant and cannot affect Earth. However, if there is a movement in Earth’s ocean salinity and solar radio wave production, which relates directly to sunspots, there may be a correlation. The energy is there but Earth’s ability to store that solar radio wave energy varies based on ocean salinity.

Keep in mind that solar radio wave output has been on the rise for a number of decades… (sunspots are directly related to solar radio wave production)

In a nutshell…

Oceans at optimum salinity absorb radio wave energy from the sun and are slowly heated. When they heat, the Earth’s climate warms and the polar ice caps melt. The fresh water added to the ocean from the melting ice caps reduces the ocean’s salinity impairing the ability of solar radio waves to heat the oceans. The oceans cool and Earth’s climate cools likewise. With the cooler climate ice pack increases; water evaporates, leaving salts behind, snow falls in Polar Regions making ice pack larger and making the oceans saltier. Saltier oceans then are more efficient at absorbing radio waves and a climatic warming happens. A beautifully balanced climatic equation.

Let’s say that long slow heat cycle takes 1,500 years give or take based on solar radio wave output which can vary a bit. We know from the ice cores from Greenland there is a 1,500 year warming cycle. In addition solar radio wave output has been abnormally high for decades now. More solar radio waves, warmer oceans, warmer climate.

Strangely enough ocean scientists will tell you it takes the oceans ~1,000 to complete a mixing cycle.
Now keep in mind that Mars has large subterranean oceans that were recently discovered by satellites.

I would also assume that the water on Mars is also saltwater and Mars is absorbing more solar radio waves and heating just like Earth. My guess would be that all planets that are heating are gathering energy from solar radio waves based on elements within them that will absorb the solar radio wave energy efficiently.

It is so OBVIOUS! It is like all those other things in science that when you hear them laid out you wonder why it has taken so long to figure it out.

Why does solar output of radio waves vary? Think of the sun as a washing machine. You have the agitator, the drum, and the housing. The sun has more solar flares (higher radio wave output) when it goes out of balance, just like your washing machine dancing around the floor when it goes out of balance. The agitator hits the drum and the whole machine shakes.

And even though the washing machine is dancing around the floor it uses the same amount of energy and the clothes get just as clean. Similarly the sun dances around a bit producing radio waves. The overall luminosity doesn’t vary (still doing the same overall job), but it puts out more radio waves, similar to a washing machine putting out more vibrations when out of balance, but still cleaning the clothes just the same.

The suns inner core rotates at one speed, the outer layer at another, and the poles of the sun rotate at even another speed. It is easy to put that sucker out of balance.

When the sun goes out of balance the inner core bumps up against the outer layers and bingo, bango solar flares (radio waves).

What could possibly put the sun out of balance? Gravitational shear or the lack of it. Sort of like your washing machine again with too much weight on one side. The planets are all pulling on the sun in different directions. At times those gravitational shears align and pull hard simoultaneously in the same direction. Imagine you are standing in a field and four people located at north, south, and east and west toss a lasso around you and pull on their ropes. As long as they all pull equally your footing is stable. Have those four people move into the same quadrant and pull and they impart energy to you. The pulling shear becomes irresistible. Much like a pull start lawnmower.
Now if you want to compare how the planets pull on the sun, versus sunspot activity give this chart a gander; (Think of the blue dotted line as planetary forces and the red line sunspot activity)

I started circling the convergence but hey, what’s the point, you get the idea.

My theory, every planet in the solar system is warming based on higher output of solar radio waves and their ability to absorb that form of energy. The Earth has a climate cycle that is based on the oceans getting fresher and saltier changing their ability to absorb solar radio energy and heat them (or cool them).

I do not know of anyone else who is putting forth this theory but me, but it seems to work very nicely not only here on earth, but all the planets in our solar system.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Global Warming

Proposed cyclic global warming theory by Thomas Olenio

The recent discoveries by John Kanzius and his finding that radio waves can be used to heat salt water are the seeds for my theory.

My theory; Global warming is intricately tied to ocean salinity and solar flux.

The basic assumption is solar flux (radio waves) marginally heat salt water oceans warming the planet. When salinity levels of the oceans drop due to melting polar ice packs the freshened salt water is less efficient at being heated by solar flux and a cooling period begins.
Recent discoveries by John Kanzius tell us that radio waves heat salt water. Fresh water is unaffected by radio waves. It would be reasonable to assume that there are optimum salinity ranges for salt water to capture radio waves and be heated by them. Only further research in that field will determine these absolute salinity radio wave heat ratios.

My theory in a nutshell;

Radio waves (solar flux) from the sun heat the salt water oceans marginally and slowly. This long period heating melts polar ice pack and ocean salinity is reduced over many hundreds of years. The freshening (reduction in salinity) of the oceans inhibits their ability to be heated by the solar flux and a cooling cycle begins. As ice pack expands the oceans become saltier and at some salinity set point the oceans begin being (or are sufficiently) heated by solar flux from the sun again to begin a warming cycle. To give the cycle a value in years let us assume 1,500 years based on past heating and cooling cycles made evident by ice cores from Greenland.

The oceans being the Earth’s largest heat sinks induce climate change by slowly swinging back and forth between warmer and cooler periods based on the oceans salinity and ability to be heated by solar flux. It doesn’t hurt the theory either that the saltier the water the better it retains heat.

One last bit of evidence. Sunspots are signs of activity on our sun. The more sun spots the more solar flux (radio waves) is output. Fewer solar sun spots and you get less solar flux. In my theory less solar flux would mean Earth cooling for there are no radio waves to heat the salt water oceans.
The last little ice age is anecdotal evidence for my theory. It happened between 1600 and 1700 when sunspot activity on the sun nearly ceased.

No sunspots, no solar flux, no salt water oceanic heating on Earth, and the planet cools and a mini ice age happens. When the sunspots and solar flux returns the earth resumes the heating cooling cycle.
The cycle existed before human CO2 emissions and is still working today;


Massive Salinity Changes In Oceans - Tropical ocean waters have become dramatically saltier over the past 40 years, while oceans closer to Earth's poles have become fresher, scientists report in the journal Nature. These large-scale, relatively rapid oceanic changes suggest that recent climate changes, including global warming, may be altering the fundamental planetary system that regulates evaporation and precipitation and cycles fresh water around the globe. The study was conducted by Ruth Curry of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
In my theory the oceans change the climate by heating and cooling based on salinity and solar flux, and not the climate change affecting ocean salinity. It all works very neatly but would need to be explored thoroughly.